Who is the star of the French national team that Mbappé enjoys making fun of?!

It seems that Kylian Mbappé is taking advantage of every possible opportunity in France’s national team training to mock a specific player, which was clearly evident in the current March stoppage camp.

A video spread like wildfire in the past hours of Mbappe mocking Matteo Guendouzi, the Lazio player, because of the way he shot the ball.

During the video, Guendouzi fired a weak shot, only to find Mbappe telling him, “You are wasting our time,” amid laughter from all the French national team players in training.

Considering Mbappe’s history, this is not the first time he has mocked Guendouzi for shooting, but there is a long history between the duo in this regard.

During the 2022 World Cup, Mbappe also mocked the former Arsenal player in training, telling him that he was shooting the ball with fear and was not positioned well.

In general, the matter passes between the two in a kind of joke, and Guendouzi is not sensitive to Mbappé’s speech, as he previously confirmed, but rather relies on him in order to develop his skills.

It is worth noting that the current French national team camp will include playing two friendly matches against Germany on Saturday, and against Chile on Tuesday.

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