Paris Saint-Germain fans declare “war” on Mbappe

Difficulties continue to pursue Kylian Mbappe within Paris Saint-Germain, and perhaps the most recent is the revolution carried out by the club’s fans against the player.

Mbappe is scheduled to leave the Princes’ Park Stadium at the end of this season at the end of his contract, despite all the temptations offered to him by Nasser Al-Khelaifi’s administration.

The suffering began after Mbappe informed PSG management that he would not renew his contract, as coach Luis Enrique decided to replace him and announced preparations for the era after the French player.

The suffering increased after a group of PSG fans came to the team’s training headquarters and raised a banner attacking Mbappe.

The sign read: “Mbappe… I will come on June 30,” referring to the last days of his contract and with it his departure as he is now an undesirable person among the Parisian fans.

It is also claimed, according to some French media, that Mbappe will be subjected to booing from the fans in the coming period, as happened previously with Lionel Messi.

It is noteworthy that Enrique made his decision to exclude Mbappe from constantly participating in French League matches, but it is expected that this decision will not be applied to Champions League matches.

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