Hummels: Facing Real Madrid is better than Bayern in the Champions League final!

Hummels: Facing Real Madrid is better than Bayern in the Champions League final!

Borussia Dortmund star Mats Hummels believes that facing Real Madrid in the Champions League final is better for him than facing Bayern Munich, for personal considerations.

Hummels previously played in the Champions League final with Dortmund in 2013, against Bayern Munich, when Bavarian succeeded in winning 2-1.

In a media interview, Hummels said about his second final, which will be against Real Madrid at Wembley Stadium, “I did not like the idea of playing two Champions League finals in my career between two teams from Germany.”

He also added, “For me, facing Real Madrid in the final is a much better option than Bayern Munich, as we are talking about the biggest club in the world.”

As for the difference between Dortmund 2013 and now, he replied, “At that time Dortmund was very successful and reaching the final match was a natural sequence, but now the achievement is much greater.”

Dortmund has only won the Champions League once in 1996 against Juventus, while Real Madrid has won the title the most with 14 times.