A new strife strikes Barcelona… Xavi and Lewandowski’s relationship is at stake!

A few days after Robert Lewandowski went out to the media and talked about how happy he was in Barcelona, ​​as well as praising his coach Xavi Hernandez, a new crisis struck the relationship between the player and the coach.

According to the newspaper “Sport”, the statements made by Xavi in ​​the press conference for the Girona match about Lewandowski’s future greatly angered the player and his environment.

When Xavi was asked about whether Lewandowski would continue at Barcelona, ​​he answered with a phrase that seemed provocative to the player and those around him, as he said, “We will decide at the end of the season.”

It is as if Xavi, with these words, had opened the door to the possibility of the Pole’s departure, while the player repeatedly stressed that the idea of ​​leaving the Catalan club does not occur to him, and that he has support from everyone.

A person close to Lewandowski told the newspaper “Sport” that what Xavi said was nothing more than “nonsense” and that the club wanted the player to stay and no one had told them about leaving or that the 36-year-old was currently on probation.

Xavi’s statements may affect his relationship with Lewandowski, despite how strong it has become, as the player clearly asked his coach in the past months to continue and reverse his decision to leave due to his strong belief in him.