A major shock.. The 2025 Club World Cup may be cancelled!

The Sun newspaper reported that major clubs in Europe may not participate in the 2025 Club World Cup, which could lead to the cancellation of the highly anticipated competition.

FIFA had announced that the Club World Cup in its traditional form has ended, and will be held in 2025 in the United States in the summer with the participation of 32 clubs, 12 of which are from the European continent.

But the English Premier League, the Spanish League and the Professional Players Association want to sue FIFA for increasing the number of World Cup teams and boycotting participation in the competition.

The reason behind this could be the associations’ fears of the serious damage that players will suffer from the increase in the number of matches and the lack of sufficient rest period in the summer.

Each player is supposed to rest for 3 weeks after the end of each season and before the start of the other, but with the Club World Cup this period will be reduced to a week at most.

The withdrawal of European clubs will be a major blow to the Club World Cup, which may ultimately lead to the cancellation of this edition, which is expected to bring a lot of money to the coffers of all participating clubs.

From Europe, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Chelsea, Manchester City, Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund, Inter, Juventus, Red Bull Salzburg, Porto, Benfica and Paris Saint-Germain will participate.