3 fans imprisoned because of Vinicius Junior!

The Spanish judiciary sentenced 3 fans to 8 months in prison on charges of directing racist insults against Real Madrid star Vinicius Junior.

The incident dates back to May 21, 2023, when Real Madrid met Valencia at the Mestalla Stadium and Vinicius was informed that he had been subjected to racist chants again from the bats fans.

The Brazilian star identified one of those who directed racist chants at him, then the police succeeded in identifying 2 others, and all of them were put on trial on Monday after the La Liga League’s complaint, to which the Spanish Federation, the player, and Real Madrid joined.

According to the newspaper “Marca”, the Spanish judiciary did not tolerate them, and after the charge was proven, it was decided to imprison them for 8 months and prevent them from approaching football stadiums for two years.

This ruling may be a “revolution” in the history of football, and prepares the situation, whether inside or outside Spain, for strict penalties against racists after the spread of this phenomenon in an exaggerated manner in the last two years.